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Outbrain's Consulting Style

Outbrain Consulting fields are as follows:

  • Design and improve the Business System (Business Strategy, Business Model, Business Process)
  • Establish an Operational Management System to ensure that the Business System works as designed
  • Support the Start-up project from the Idea Generation phase and implement it into the Business System
Our focus is to design and build a Business System .

We believe that business should be designed in a systematic way. We define the “Business System” as the whole structure of the business, while "Business Model" is the model of a system that should earn continuing profits.

In our consulting service, we will work with clients to convert business strategy into a business system with an efficient business process. Further, we will provide additional support in creating an effective management structure to ensure the success of the business system.

We not only work with strategy and business model formulation but also on actual field operations. Operational Excellence is the key for success. For the operational improvement, we take both the analytical approach and the solution focused approach .

It is because we believe that data-driven logical analysis cannot always produce the most desired results, especially at the operational level. Further, we believe focusing on a goal achievement solution will produce better results than by using the traditional accusative problem diagnosis. Based on this premise, our experienced consultants drive projects for successful achievement by using various approaches such as logic, creativity, and solution-focus.


Problem Solving System

It is vital to distinguish between phenomena and the root cause of the problems.

In our experience, we have dealt with many business leaders who felt overrun by specific minor problems. Through analysis, we were able to identify only a few critical root problems which were leading to the inefficiency of the business system. Therefore, our fist task is to recognize the root causes and define the issues that need to be solved. This process is difficult when done by in-house representatives due to their fixed viewpoint. Our consultant's external views can breakthrough these limited views to effectively solve the problem.

This breakthrough in finding the best possible solution does not only come from rational analysis and logical thinking. Often, the solution comes from the combination of a logical approach and a creative approach using nonlinear brainpower. In other words, we have to use intuitional imagination to produce ideal solutions. We often use creative processes ( NLP : Neuro- Linguistic Program) which produce ideal solutions that are beyond the reach of conscious analysis.

Solution Focused Approach

Logical problem solving is a problem focused approach, where you identify the cause of problem, examine the problem in great detail, and formulate a solution. Solution focused approaches (SFA) are inherently different than the problem focused approach.

SFA would be valuable when dealing with problems which are obstructed by human bias or sentiment. We must motivate solution-oriented cooperation in order to achieve a desired goal-oriented resolution. We feel that accusative and blame are counter-productive to the client's organization.